[Seaside] Apache integration problem

Avi Bryant seaside@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 13:46:06 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, Derek Brans wrote:

> I launch Squeak (I have Seaside .94, Comanche4.9 and Borges installed).

All three?  I tend to keep my Seaside .94 images separate from my Borges
images.  Which are you actually using?

> When I point my browser at, I get
> an internal server error.  In the apache error log I find: "statfs
> failed because: No such file or directory".

Interesting.  I've never seen that error before.  Do you know if Squeak is
being contacted at all (eg, put a halt in IAModLisp somewhere...)?

Personally, I've started using mod_proxy rather than mod_lisp.  Just set
up Comanche as normal on port 8000, and then add

ProxyPass 		/seaside 	http://foo.com:8000/seaside
ProxyPassReverse 	/seaside 	http://foo.com:8000/seaside

to your httpd.conf (I think those are the right commands, anyway).
