[Seaside] Here Is A Deployed Seaside App

Nevin Pratt nevin at smalltalkpro.com
Thu Apr 10 14:42:25 CEST 2003

Derek Brans wrote:

>Hi Nevin,
>Great site.  Your wife is very talented.  Are the dolls with real human hair

Before I answer that question, let me ask you something (and anybody 
else who cares to answer):  What was your own personal first reaction to 
the "real human hair" dolls?  Was it negative or positive, in relation 
to the other dolls?  Did you think it was neat, and added to the 
realism, or did you think it was ghastly or macabre?

> I especially like the before and after picture of the kid with the
>shaved head :)

That's our youngest son, Isaac.  He was about 18 months old when those 
pictures were taken (last fall).

>I notice that you have a seaside on a secure server.  How have you
>implemented that?  What obstacles did you have to overcome?

The #checkout action method of the BBViewCart component is:

    | ses |
    ses _ self session.
    ses shoppingCart isEmpty
        ifTrue: [self call: BBAddAuctionToCart new]
        ifFalse: [| bbco url |
            self call: BBBillToShipTo new.
            bbco _ BBCheckout new.
            url _ renderer
                        urlForAction: [self call: bbco].
                returnResponse: (WAResponse forwardTo: 
'https://bountifulbaby.com' , url)].

You can see I just forward to the https port on the server.  On the 
server, I have Stunnel listening, and Stunnel does the SSL work.

>Also, do you find that people trust your certificate? (I notice you issued
>it yourself... 

I've really worried about this, but so far we haven't had a *single* 
customer comment on it.  And, we are running a couple of thousand 
dollars of credit card charges through the site every month.

But, I imagine that eventually I should purchase a certificate instead 
of self-signing one.

>(I think if you issue it to www.bountifulbaby.com instead of
>bountifulbaby.com it won't tell me that it's not coming from the wrong url)

Ah, I mistakenly had 'https://www.bountifulbaby.com' in the string above 
rather than 'https://bountifulbaby.com'.  Thanks for catching that.


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