[Seaside] Google placement examples?

Eric Hodel drbrain at segment7.net
Wed May 21 00:19:21 CEST 2003

At http://webmasterworld.com/ there is a number of forums relating to
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), including google.  You may want to
poke around there for some ideas or help.

Nevin Pratt (nevin at smalltalkpro.com) wrote:

> What do you all think of the idea of mirroring the dynamic pages of 
> Seaside with google-friendly static pages, and then if Comanche sees a 
> googlebot coming, it sends it down the static pages?

That is a common practice for sites that have a session id in the URL.
Googlebot may see the '@' in the URL in a place it isn't accustomed
to, and bail out.  Emailing googlebot at goolge.com may confirm this up.

> Yes, this would result in static URL's that are being indexed.  But it's 
> not difficult to have those static URL's in turn go back into Seaside. 
> The only issue with doing this is that you end up with a new 
> WASession-- which isn't an issue at all when the user is coming in from 
> a search engine result.
> So, in other words, a given static URL would either go into Seaside, or 
> down a static page tree, depending on whether client is a googlebot or not.
> Bad idea?

It depends on whether Google considers this 'cloaking' or not.

> What in the world can we do to make Seaside more Google friendly?

Eric Hodel - drbrain at segment7.net - http://segment7.net
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