[Seaside] mailing stack trace

Nevin Pratt nevin at smalltalkpro.com
Tue May 27 17:11:13 CEST 2003

Derek Brans wrote:

> Nevin,
> Could you post the code for emailing yourself a stack trace in the 
> event of an error?
> Thank you.

Yes.  But it's ugly.

First, in my custom subclass of WASession (which I call BBSession), I 
have this:

handleError: e
    | str |
    e initialContext: e initialContext copyStack.
    [str _ ReadWriteStream on: String new.
    str nextPutAll: 'Date: ' , MailMessage dateStampNow , '
From: support at bountifulbaby.com
Subject: Stack Walkback
To: nevin at smalltalkpro.com

    self printWalkbackOn: str for: e.
    (AdHocComposition celeste: 'server' initialText: str contents) submit]
        on: Error
        do: [:ex | ex].
        returnResponse: (WAResponse forwardTo: '/seaside/index')

However, you will notice issues right off the bat:

1. 'support at bountifulbaby.com' is hardcoded.  PLEASE use something 
else!!! :-)
2. 'nevin at smalltalkpro.com' is hardcoded.  PLEASE use something else!!! :-)
3. 'server' is hardcoded, which happens to resolve to the machine name 
to send the email through.  Again, you will *have* to use something else 
for your particular installation, as I doubt your machine knows which 
machine the 'server' machine is :-).
4. The final action (forwarding to '/seaside/index') is hardcoded. 
 Again, you will want something particular for your installation.
5. The way I let AdHocComposition>>celeste: handle the mail isn't the 
clearest/cleanest.  I've seen cleaner code elsewhere for sending emails. 
 But, the above works.

Obviously a better solution would be to refactor and redesign so that 
this stuff isn't hardcoded.

Now on to the next step:

My #printWalkbackOn:for: method (used from the above method) is:

printWalkbackOn: aStream for: exception
    | context |
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: '<h1>'.
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: exception description.
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: '</h1>'.
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: '<ul>'.
    context _ thisContext.
        timesRepeat: [context _ context sender].
    [context notNil]
        whileTrue: [self printStackFrame: context on: aStream.
            context _ context sender].
    aStream nextPutAll: '</ul>'.
    aStream nextPutAll: '</table>'

Again, there are issues:

1. I only go 8 levels deep in the stack, and this is again hardcoded.
2. The embedded html could be done cleaner.

Now on to the next step, the #printStackFrame:on: method that the above 
method uses:

printStackFrame: aContext on: aStream
    aStream nextPutAll: '<li>';
         nextPutAll: aContext fullPrintString.
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: '<blockquote>'.
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: '<table border="1">'.
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: '<tr>'.
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: '<td>self</td>'.
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: '<td>'.
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
        nextPutAll: (aContext receiver printStringLimitedTo: 70).
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: '</td>'.
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: '</tr>'.
    aContext tempNames
        doWithIndex: [:name :index |
            aStream nextPut: Character cr.
            aStream nextPutAll: '<tr><td>'.
            aStream nextPutAll: name.
            aStream nextPut: Character cr.
            aStream nextPutAll: '</td>'.
            aStream nextPut: Character cr.
            aStream nextPutAll: '<td>'.
                nextPutAll: ((aContext tempAt: index)
                        printStringLimitedTo: 70).
            aStream nextPut: Character cr.
            aStream nextPutAll: '</td></tr>'].
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: '</table>'.
    aStream nextPut: Character cr.
    aStream nextPutAll: '</blockquote></li>'.
    aStream nextPut: Character cr

And again, some of the same issues crop up with this method.

In other words, the above was just a quick and dirty hack to get it 
going for now, but it works for me.  I have no idea when/if I'll ever 
change it.


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