[Seaside] Help understanding WATableReport

C. David Shaffer cdshaffer at acm.org
Wed Aug 25 17:41:22 CEST 2004

Dan and Radoslav,

Would you mind if I put your work together and put it on a web page?  I 
know that Avi has been collecting links to documents and this would be 
one more to add to the list but I'd prefer, and I think others would as 
well, a self-contained document rather than two or three e-mails to 
follow.  I'd list you two as authors of course.  I don't do any fancy 
for examples.  Once it's up there I'd undertake keeping it up to date 
should there be future changes to Seaside which affect it.


Dan Winkler wrote:

> Thanks, Radoslav.  This example was quite helpful for me.
> To help the other beginners, I'll spell out the steps I followed to 
> see this working.  (And you can tell me if I have got any of this wrong.)
> 1.  Create a new subclass of WAComponent.  I called mine 
> FactorialTableComponent and it looks like this:
> WAComponent subclass: #FactorialTableComponent
>     instanceVariableNames: 'report'
>     classVariableNames: ''
>     poolDictionaries: ''
>     category: 'Dan'
> It has one instance variable called 'report' which will be used to 
> hold its subcomponent, a WATableReport.
> 2.  For convenience, give your FactorialTableComponent one class 
> method called #initialize which registers it as an application with 
> Seaside:
> initialize
>     self registerAsApplication: 'FactorialTable'
> This will allow you to test your component by loading 
> http://localhost:9090/seaside/FactorialTable into your web browser.
> 3.  Put Radoslav's example code under the instance side #initialize 
> method of FactorialTableComponent:
> initialize
>     | rows columns |
>     rows _ #(1 2 3 4 5 6).
>     columns _ OrderedCollection new
>          add: (WAReportColumn selector: #yourself title: 'original'); 
>         "selector gets perform:-ed on your data item"
>          add: (WAReportColumn selector: #factorial title: 'factorial');
>         add: (WAReportColumn new                                      
> "or if you want more control"
>                valueBlock: [:rowItem | rowItem even ifTrue: ['even'] 
> ifFalse: ['odd']];
>                clickBlock: [:rowItem | self inform: 'you clicked ', 
> rowItem asString];
>                title: 'odd/even');
>          yourself.
>     report _ WATableReport new rows: rows; columns: columns; 
> rowPeriod: 1; yourself.
> This creates the subcomponent and stores it in the 'report' instance 
> variable.
> 4.  Create a #children method of FactorialTableComponent:
> children
>     ^Array with: report.
> This lets Seaside know what the subcomponents of 
> FactorialTableComponent are, in this case just the one 
> WATableComponent.  (I'm not sure why this is required by the Seaside 
> framework -- it seems it would know when you call render: what your 
> subcomponents are?)
> 5.  Create a #renderContentOn: method of FactorialTableComponent:
> renderContentOn: html
>   html render: report.
> This says that the way you render your component is by rendering its 
> subcomponent, the WATableReport stored in the instance variable 'report'.
> 6.  Register your component by doing 'FactorialTableComponent 
> initialize' in a workspace.
> And that's it.  Now you can see your application in your web browser 
> and click column headings to change the sort order.  (Note: I wish the 
> framework would make each new sort also subsort by the previous sort 
> so that for example if I have a table of dates and times I could sort 
> first by time and then by date to get chronological order.  I can 
> simulate most of this behavior by passing in sortblocks but it gets 
> messy and doesn't really do what you want when columns are sorted in 
> reverse order.)
> -- Dan
> On Aug 23, 2004, at 11:14 AM, radoslav hodnicak wrote:
>> rows := #(1 2 3 4 5 6). "your data"
>> columns :=
>> OrderedCollection new
>>  add: (WAReportColumn selector: #yourself title: 'original');
>> "selector gets perform:-ed on your data item"
>>  add: (WAReportColumn selector: #factorial title: 'factorial');
>> "or if you want more control"
>>  add: (WAReportColumn new
>>    valueBlock: [:rowItem| rowItem even ifTrue: ['even'] ifFalse: 
>> ['odd']];
>>    clickBlock: [:rowItem| self inform: 'you clicked ', rowItem 
>> asString];
>>    title: 'odd/even');
>>  yourself.
>> ^WATableReport new rows: rows; columns: columns; yourself.
>> produces table like
>> original factorial odd/even
>> 1        1         odd
>> 2        2         even
>> 3        6         odd
>> 4        24        even
>> 5        120       odd
>> 6        720       even
>> with the items in 3rd column clickable
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C. David Shaffer

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