[Seaside] Testing...here's the code, sorry

C. David Shaffer cdshaffer at acm.org
Sat Jul 3 21:15:18 CEST 2004

-------------- next part --------------
SystemOrganization addCategory: #SeasideTesting!

WADecoration subclass: #SCAnswerChecker
	instanceVariableNames: 'hasAnswer answerValue '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

TestCase subclass: #SCComponentTest
	instanceVariableNames: 'app requests pseudomain '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

WARenderLoop subclass: #SCRenderLoop
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

SCComponentTest subclass: #SCSampleComponentTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

Object subclass: #SCSeasideStateMarker
	instanceVariableNames: 'sessionId continuationId '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

SCSeasideStateMarker subclass: #SCSeasideAnchor
	instanceVariableNames: 'fullUrl anchorNumber path label '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

WAComponent subclass: #SCTestComponent1
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

WAComponent subclass: #SCTestComponent2
	instanceVariableNames: 'firstSent secondSent thirdSent '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

WAComponent subclass: #SCTestComponent3
	instanceVariableNames: 'field1 field2 button1WasPressed button2WasPressed '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

WAComponent subclass: #SCTestRunner
	instanceVariableNames: 'case result '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

WAComponent subclass: #SCTestTracker
	instanceVariableNames: 'case '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

WAApplication subclass: #SCTesterApplication
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

WARenderLoopMain subclass: #SCTestingPseudomain
	instanceVariableNames: 'renderLoop checker '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

Object subclass: #SCXMLElementWrapper
	instanceVariableNames: 'xmlElement '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

SCXMLElementWrapper subclass: #SCParsedSeasideDocument
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

SCXMLElementWrapper subclass: #SCSeasideForm
	instanceVariableNames: 'inputs buttons inputValues '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

SCComponentTest subclass: #WAAllTestsTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

SCAnswerChecker class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCComponentTest class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCRenderLoop class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCSampleComponentTest class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCSeasideStateMarker class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCSeasideAnchor class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCTestComponent1 class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCTestComponent2 class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCTestComponent3 class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCTestRunner class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCTestTracker class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCTesterApplication class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCTestingPseudomain class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCXMLElementWrapper class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCParsedSeasideDocument class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

SCSeasideForm class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

WAAllTestsTest class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!SCTesterApplication commentStamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 20:46' prior: 0!
Just need to expose the session registry!

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'posting' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 21:08'!
	^ xmlElement attributeAt: 'action'! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 10:28'!
activateCheckboxWithId: stringId
	self setCheckboxWithId: stringId to: true! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 00:25'!
activateRadioButtonWithId: stringId 
	| elem |
	elem _ self inputXMLElementWithId: stringId.
	(elem attributeAt: 'type') = 'radio' ifFalse: [self error: 'Not a radio button'].
		inputWithName: (elem attributeAt: 'name')
		value: (elem attributeAt: 'value')! !

!SCXMLElementWrapper methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/23/2004 14:04'!
	| result |
	result _ OrderedCollection new.
	self allElementsIn: xmlElement addTo: result.
	^ result! !

!SCXMLElementWrapper methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:16'!
allElementsIn: element addTo: result 
	result add: element.
		elementsDo: [:subElement | self allElementsIn: subElement addTo: result]! !

!SCXMLElementWrapper methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:16'!
allElementsNamed: tagName in: element addTo: result 
	element name = tagName 
		ifTrue: [result add: element]
			[element elementsDo: 
					[:subElement | 
						allElementsNamed: tagName
						in: subElement
						addTo: result]]! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:19'!
	^anchorNumber! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 09:49'!
anchorNumber: number 
	| num |
	num := number isString ifTrue: [number] ifFalse: [number asString].
	^self anchors detect: [:each | each anchorNumber = num] ifNone: []! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:19'!
anchorNumber: anObject
	anchorNumber := anObject! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 21:55'!
anchorWithId: aString 
		anchorWithId: aString
		ifNone: []! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 21:54'!
anchorWithId: aString ifNone: aBlock 
	| res |
	res _ self elementWithId: aString ifNone: [].
	^res ifNil: aBlock ifNotNil: [SCSeasideAnchor fromXMLElement: res]! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/23/2004 14:05'!
anchorWithLabel: aString 
	^ self anchors detect: [:anchor | anchor label = aString] ifNone: []! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:18'!
	| result |
	result _ OrderedCollection new.
				allElementsNamed: #a
				in: xmlElement
				addTo: result.
	result _ result
				select: [:each | each attributes includesKey: #href].
	^ result
		collect: [:each | SCSeasideAnchor fromXMLElement: each]! !

!SCTestingPseudomain methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:46'!
	^checker! !

!SCAnswerChecker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:47'!
	^answerValue! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'converting' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:52'!
	^ fullUrl! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 7/1/2004 11:48'!
	self requests removeLast.
	^ self requests last value! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 00:46'!
	self back.
	^self refresh! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:18'!
	^ xmlElement
		elementAt: #body! !

!WAHtmlTest methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 00:41'!
	^booleanList! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'callbacks' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:46'!
	button1WasPressed _ true! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:46'!
	^button1WasPressed! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'callbacks' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:46'!
	button2WasPressed _ true! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:46'!
	^ button2WasPressed! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'buttons' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 17:00'!
buttonWithValue: aString
	^self buttons detect: [:each | (each attributeAt: 'value' ifAbsent: []) = aString] ifNone: []! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'buttons' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:32'!
	^buttons! !

!SCTestComponent1 class methodsFor: 'seaside' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 00:31'!
	^true! !

!SCTestComponent2 class methodsFor: 'seaside' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 21:18'!
	^true! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:54'!
checkForSessionInUrl: aString 
	| a |
	a _ SCSeasideAnchor fromHref: aString.
	^a! !

!WAHtmlRenderer methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting-override' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 10:35'!
checkboxWithValue: aBoolean callback: callbackBlock 
	| value originalAttributes |
	value _ ValueHolder new.
	originalAttributes _ attributeBuffer.
	attributeBuffer _ nil.
		hiddenInputWithCallback: [value contents: false].
	attributeBuffer _ originalAttributes.
	self attributeAt: 'checked' put: aBoolean.
		valueInputOfType: 'checkbox'
		value: 'true'
		callback: [value contents: true].
	callbackBlock fixTemps.
		hiddenInputWithCallback: [callbackBlock value: value contents]! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'private-inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 10:28'!
clearInputWithName: aName 
	^ self inputValues removeKey: aName! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 7/1/2004 12:00'!
	^pseudomain component! !

!SCTestingPseudomain methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 18:41'!
	^ renderLoop root! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 7/1/2004 12:00'!
componentAnswered: value 
	| checker |
	checker := pseudomain answerChecker.
	^checker hasAnswer and: [checker answerValue = value]! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 7/1/2004 12:00'!
configureApplicationForComponent: aComponent 
	app preferenceAt: #deploymentMode put: true.
	pseudomain := SCTestingPseudomain new.
	app preferenceAt: #mainClass put: pseudomain! !

!SCSeasideStateMarker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 13:23'!
	^continuationId! !

!SCSeasideStateMarker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 13:23'!
continuationId: anObject
	continuationId := anObject! !

!SCTestingPseudomain methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:46'!
	| comp |
	checker _ SCAnswerChecker new.
	comp _ super createRoot.
	comp addDecoration: checker.
	^ comp! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 10:28'!
deactivateCheckboxWithId: stringId 
	self setCheckboxWithId: stringId to: false! !

!SCXMLElementWrapper methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:16'!
elementWithId: aString ifNone: aBlock 
	^self allElements
		detect: [:each | (each
				attributeAt: 'id'
				ifAbsent: [])
				= aString]
		ifNone: aBlock! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 20:51'!
	| req |
	req := HttpRequest 
				readFromStream: (self httpGetRequestStreamFor: app baseUrl asString).
		fromResponse: (self issueRequestUntilNotMoved: req)! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:43'!
	^field1! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:43'!
field1: anObject
	field1 := anObject! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:43'!
	^field2! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:43'!
field2: anObject
	field2 := anObject! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:45'!
	^firstSent! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 20:51'!
followAnchor: anAnchor 
	| req |
	self assert: anAnchor notNil.
	req := HttpRequest 
				readFromStream: (self httpGetRequestStreamFor: anAnchor asString).
		fromResponse: (self issueRequestUntilNotMoved: req)! !

!SCTestRunner class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 7/2/2004 15:20'!
forCase: aTestCase
	^ self new initializeForCase: aTestCase! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 23:05'!
formWithId: aString 
	^ self formWithId: aString ifNone: []! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:27'!
formWithId: aString ifNone: aBlock 
	| res |
	res _ self
				elementWithId: aString
				ifNone: [].
	^ res
		ifNil: aBlock
		ifNotNil: [SCSeasideForm fromXMLElement: res]! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:27'!
	| result |
	result _ OrderedCollection new.
		allElementsNamed: #form
		in: xmlElement
		addTo: result.
	^ result
		collect: [:each | SCSeasideForm fromXMLElement: each]! !

!SCSeasideAnchor class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 13:23'!
fromHref: aString
	^self new initializeFromHref: aString! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 15:22'!
fromResponse: aResponse 
	aResponse contents reset.
	^ self fromStream: aResponse contents! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:21'!
fromStream: aStream 
	| xmlDoc |
	xmlDoc _ XMLDOMParser parseDocumentFrom: aStream.
	^ self fromXMLDoc: xmlDoc! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:25'!
fromXMLDoc: aDoc 
	^ self
		fromXMLElement: (aDoc elementAt: #html)! !

!SCSeasideAnchor class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:45'!
fromXMLElement: anXMLElement
	^ self new initializeFromXMLElement: anXMLElement! !

!SCXMLElementWrapper class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:17'!
fromXMLElement: anElement
	^ self new initializeFromXMLElement: anElement! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:51'!
fullUrl: aString
	fullUrl _ aString! !

!SCAnswerChecker methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:45'!
handleAnswer: anObject 
	(super handleAnswer: anObject)
		ifFalse: [hasAnswer _ true.
			answerValue _ anObject]
		ifTrue: [^true].
	^ false! !

!SCTesterApplication methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 20:46'!
handlerWithKey: aKey
	^handlersByKey at: aKey ifAbsent: []! !

!SCAnswerChecker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:47'!
	^hasAnswer! !

!WAComponent class methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 14:58'!
	^self suite notNil! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'posting' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 17:06'!
httpDataWithButton: button 
	| resultStream |
	resultStream _ WriteStream on: ''.
	button attributes
		at: 'name'
		ifPresent: [:buttonName | 
			resultStream nextPutAll: buttonName.
			button attributes at: 'value' ifPresent: [:value | resultStream nextPut: $=; nextPutAll: value].
			self inputValues notEmpty
				ifTrue: [resultStream nextPut: $&]].
	self inputValues keys
		do: [:key | self
				writeHttpDataFor: key
				value: (self inputValues at: key)
				on: resultStream]
		separatedBy: [resultStream nextPut: $&].
	^ resultStream contents! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/21/2004 01:01'!
httpGetRequestStreamFor: url 
	^ ('GET ' , url , ' HTTP/1.0' , String crlf) readStream! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/21/2004 01:34'!
httpPostRequestStreamForUrl: url data: postData 
	^ ('POST ' , url , ' HTTP/1.0 ' , String crlf , 'Content-Length: ' , postData size printString , String crlf , 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' , String crlf , String crlf , postData) readStream! !

!XMLTokenizer methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting-overrides' stamp: 'cds 6/22/2004 23:49'!
	| ents |
	ents _ Dictionary new.
		at: 'amp'
		put: (DTDEntityDeclaration name: 'amp' value: $&);
		at: 'quot'
		put: (DTDEntityDeclaration name: 'amp' value: $");
		at: 'apos'
		put: (DTDEntityDeclaration name: 'apos' value: $');
		at: 'gt'
		put: (DTDEntityDeclaration name: 'gt' value: $>);
		at: 'lt'
		put: (DTDEntityDeclaration name: 'lt' value: $<);
		at: 'nbsp'
		put: (DTDEntityDeclaration name: 'nbsp' value: Character space).
	^ ents! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 00:44'!
	super initialize.
	self session registerObjectForBacktracking: self.
	firstSent _ false.
	secondSent _ false.
	thirdSent _ false! !

!SCTestRunner methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 14:33'!
initializeForCase: aTestCase 
	case := aTestCase.
	result := aTestCase run! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:51'!
initializeFromHref: aString 
	| parts |
	self fullUrl: aString.
	parts _ aString findTokens: '?'.
	parts isEmpty
		ifTrue: [^ self].
	self path: parts first.
	parts size > 1
		ifTrue: [(parts second findTokens: '&')
				do: [:each | self variableFromString: each]]! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'cds 6/23/2004 14:09'!
initializeFromXMLElement: anXMLElement 
		initializeFromHref: (anXMLElement attributeAt: 'href').
	label _ anXMLElement contents first string! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'cds 6/27/2004 00:07'!
initializeFromXMLElement: anXMLElement 
	super initializeFromXMLElement: anXMLElement.
	inputs _ OrderedCollection new.
		allElementsNamed: #input
		in: xmlElement
		addTo: inputs.
		allElementsNamed: #select
		in: xmlElement
		addTo: inputs.
		allElementsNamed: #textarea
		in: xmlElement
		addTo: inputs.
	buttons _ inputs
				select: [:each | (each
						attributeAt: 'type'
						ifAbsent: [])
						= 'submit'].
	self initializeValuesFromCurrentInputs! !

!SCXMLElementWrapper methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:17'!
initializeFromXMLElement: anElement
	xmlElement _ anElement! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 17:16'!
	| value name shouldSet type |
	(inputs reject: [:each | (each attributeAt: 'type') = 'submit'])
		do: [:each | 
			name _ each attributeAt: 'name'.
			value _ each attributes
						at: 'value'
						ifAbsent: [].
			shouldSet _ name notNil.
			type _ each attributeAt: 'type'.
			((type = 'radio'
						or: [type = 'checkbox'])
					and: [(each
							attributeAt: 'checked'
							ifAbsent: [])
							~= 'checked'])
				ifTrue: [shouldSet _ false].
				ifTrue: [self inputWithName: name value: value]]! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'private-inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:30'!
	^ inputValues
		ifNil: [inputValues _ Dictionary new]! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'private-inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 00:17'!
inputWithName: stringName value: stringValue 
	(self inputXMLElementWithName: stringName)
		ifNil: [self error: 'No such input element'].
	self inputValues
		at: stringName
		put: stringValue! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'private-inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 00:13'!
inputXMLElementWithId: anId 
	^inputs detect: [:each | (each attributes at: 'id' ifAbsent: []) = anId]
		ifNone: []! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'private-inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 00:17'!
inputXMLElementWithName: aName
	^ inputs
		detect: [:each | (each attributes
				at: 'name'
				ifAbsent: [])
				= aName]
		ifNone: []! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 7/1/2004 11:49'!
issueRequest: anHttpRequest 
	| result |
	result _ WAKom default processHttpRequest: anHttpRequest.
	self requests add: anHttpRequest -> result.
	^result! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 20:51'!
issueRequestUntilNotMoved: anHttpRequest 
	| response req newUrl |
	req := anHttpRequest.
	[response := self issueRequest: req.
	response status = #tempMoved] 
				[self requests removeLast.
				newUrl := response fields at: 'Location'.
				self checkForSessionInUrl: newUrl.
				req := HttpRequest readFromStream: (self httpGetRequestStreamFor: newUrl)].
	^response! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/23/2004 14:06'!
	^label! !

!WAHtmlTest methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 17:18'!
	^message! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'private-inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 00:20'!
nameForElementWithId: aString 
	^ (self inputXMLElementWithId: aString)
		attributeAt: 'name'! !

!SCTestingPseudomain methodsFor: 'hack' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 20:31'!
	^self! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 20:51'!
newApplicationForComponent: aComponentClass 
	app _ SCTesterApplication path: aComponentClass name.
	app configuration addAncestor: WARenderLoopConfiguration localConfiguration.
	app preferenceAt: #rootComponent put: aComponentClass.
	WADispatcher default registerEntryPoint: app at: aComponentClass name.
	self configureApplicationForComponent: aComponentClass.
	^ app! !

!WAHtmlTest methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 16:54'!
	^number! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'private-inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 16:52'!
optionValuesByTextForSelect: aSelectElement 
	| optionElements result |
	optionElements _ aSelectElement elements
				select: [:each | each name = 'option'].
	result _ Dictionary new.
		do: [:each | result at: (each contents first string) put: (each attributeAt: 'value') ].
	^result! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:54'!
path: aString
	path _ aString! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 7/1/2004 11:48'!
	^ SCParsedSeasideDocument
		fromResponse: (self issueRequestUntilNotMoved: self requests last key)! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 15:13'!
	WADispatcher default removeEntryPoint: app.! !

!SCTestRunner methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 14:55'!
renderBrowserAnchorFor: aTestCase on: html 
	| browser |
		anchorWithPopupAction: [browser _ WABrowser fullOnClass: aTestCase class.
			browser model selectedMessageName: aTestCase selector.
			self call: browser]
		extent: 825 at 560
		text: 'Browse'! !

!WAHtmlTest methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting-override' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 10:30'!
renderCheckboxesOn: html 
	html text: booleanList.
	html paragraph.
	html cssId: 'checkbox-form'.
		form: [booleanList
				do: [:assoc | 
					html text: assoc key;
					html cssId: 'cb-' , assoc key asString.
						checkboxWithValue: assoc value
						callback: [:b | assoc value: b].
					html break].
			html submitButton]! !

!SCTestComponent1 methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:26'!
renderContentOn: html
	html text: 'hello'! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 21:55'!
renderContentOn: html 
	self firstSent
		ifFalse: [html
				anchorWithAction: [self sendFirst]
				text: 'first link'].
	html text: 'hello'.
	self secondSent
		ifFalse: [html cssId: 'second'.
				anchorWithAction: [self sendSecond]
				text: 'second link'].
	self thirdSent
		ifFalse: [
			html cssId: 'third'.
				anchorWithAction: [self sendThird]
				text: 'third link']! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:47'!
renderContentOn: html 
		form: [html text: 'field1: '.
			html textInputOn: #field1 of: self.
			html br.
			html text: 'field2: '.
			html textInputOn: #field2 of: self.
			html br.
			html cssId: 'button1'.
				submitButtonWithAction: [self button1Pressed].
			html cssId: 'button2'.
				submitButtonWithAction: [self button2Pressed]]! !

!SCTestRunner methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 12:23'!
renderContentOn: html 
	html heading: case name level: 2.
	html text: result printString.
	html hr.
	self renderFailedOn: html.
	self renderErrorOn: html.
	self renderPassedOn: html.
	html br.
		anchorWithAction: [self answer]
		text: 'close'! !

!WAHalo methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting-override' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 15:01'!
renderContentOn: html 
		divClass: 'halo'
		with: [html
				divClass: 'halo-header'
				with: [html
						divClass: 'halo-icons'
						with: [html
								divClass: 'halo-mode'
								with: [html text: '['.
										anchorWithAction: [self renderMode]
										text: 'R'.
									html text: ' | '.
										anchorWithAction: [self sourceMode]
										text: 'S'.
									html text: ']'].
							html text: target class name.
							html space.
								renderHalo: 'Halo-Debug'
								withPopup: [WABrowser fullOnClass: target class]
								on: html.
								renderHalo: 'Halo-View'
								withPopup: [WAInspector on: target]
								on: html.
								renderHalo: 'Halo-Paint'
								withPopup: [WAViewer on: target]
								on: html.
							(target class hasTestSuite)
								ifTrue: [self
										renderHalo: 'Halo-Tile'
										withPopup: [SCTestRunner forCase: target class suite]
										on: html]]].
				divClass: 'halo-contents'
				with: [self perform: mode contents with: html]]! !

!SCTestRunner methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 14:56'!
renderErrorOn: html 
	html heading: 'Errors:' level: 3.
	result errors
		do: [:each | 
			html cssClass: 'error-test'.
				span: [html text: each printString].
			html space.
				anchorWithAction: [each debug]
				text: 'Debug'.
			html space.
			self renderBrowserAnchorFor: each on: html.
			html br].
	html hr! !

!SCTestRunner methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 14:52'!
renderFailedOn: html 
	html heading: 'Failed:' level: 3.
	result failures
		do: [:each | 
			html cssClass: 'failed-test'.
			html span: each printString.
			html space.
				anchorWithAction: [each debugAsFailure]
				text: 'Debug'.
			html space.
			self renderBrowserAnchorFor: each on: html.
			html br].
	html hr! !

!SCTestRunner methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 14:56'!
renderPassedOn: html 
	html heading: 'Passed:' level: 3.
	result passed
		do: [:each | 
			html cssClass: 'passed-test'.
			html span: each printString.
			html space.
			self renderBrowserAnchorFor: each on: html.
			html br].
	html hr! !

!WAHtmlTest methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting-override' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 00:34'!
renderRadioButtonsOn: html 
	html text: booleanList.
	html paragraph.
	html cssId: 'radio-form'.
		form: [booleanList
				do: [:assoc | 
					| group | 
					group _ html radioGroup.
					html text: assoc key;
					html cssId: assoc key asString , '-on'.
						radioButtonInGroup: group
						selected: assoc value
						callback: [assoc value: true].
					html cssId: assoc key asString , '-off'.
						radioButtonInGroup: group
						selected: assoc value not
						callback: [assoc value: false].
					html break].
			html submitButton]! !

!WADispatcherEditor methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting-override' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 15:01'!
renderRowForEntryPoint: anEntryPoint named: aString on: html 
	| rootClass |
		tableRowWith: [html anchorWithUrl: anEntryPoint basePath do: aString]
		with: [html
				anchorWithAction: [self configure: anEntryPoint]
				text: 'configure'.
			html space;
				anchorWithAction: [self remove: anEntryPoint]
				text: 'remove'.
			rootClass _ anEntryPoint preferenceAt: #rootComponent.
			(rootClass notNil
					and: [rootClass hasTestSuite])
				ifTrue: [html space;
						anchorWithAction: [self test: rootClass]
						text: 'test']]! !

!WAHtmlTest methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting-override' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 16:45'!
renderSelectsOn: html 
	html text: number.
	html paragraph.
	html cssId: 'select-form'.
		form: [html cssId: 'select-list'.
				selectFromList: (1 to: 10)
				selected: number
				callback: [:i | number _ i].
			html submitButton]! !

!WAHtmlTest methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting-override' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 16:57'!
renderSubmitButtonsOn: html 
	html text: number.
	html paragraph.
	html cssId: 'button-form'.
		form: [(1 to: 10)
				do: [:i | 
						submitButtonWithAction: [number _ i]
						text: i.
					html space]]! !

!WAHtmlTest methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting-override' stamp: 'cds 6/27/2004 00:07'!
renderTextAreaOn: html 
	html cssId: 'textarea-form'.
		form: [html text: message.
			html paragraph.
			html cssId: 'textarea-message'.
				textAreaWithValue: message
				callback: [:v | message _ v].
			html break; submitButton]! !

!WAHtmlTest methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting-override' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 17:23'!
renderTextInputOn: html 
	html cssId: 'textInput-form'.
		form: [html text: message.
			html paragraph.
			html cssId: 'text-message'.
				textInputWithValue: message
				callback: [:v | message _ v].
			html submitButton]! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 20:24'!
	^requests ifNil: [requests _ OrderedCollection new]! !

!SCRenderLoop methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 18:43'!
	^root! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:45'!
	^secondSent! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 16:53'!
selectListWithId: aStringId optionWithText: text 
	| elem d value |
	elem _ self inputXMLElementWithId: aStringId.
	elem name = 'select'
		ifFalse: [self error: 'Not a select'].
	((d _ self optionValuesByTextForSelect: elem)
			includesKey: text)
		ifFalse: [self error: 'No such option'].
	value _ d at: text.
		inputWithName: (elem attributeAt: 'name')
		value: value! !

!WAAllTestsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 6/22/2004 23:46'!
	^self component contents selectedComponent! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'callbacks' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:45'!
	firstSent _ true! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'callbacks' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:45'!
	secondSent _ true! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'callbacks' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:39'!
	thirdSent _ true.
	self answer: 1234! !

!SCSeasideStateMarker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 13:23'!
	^sessionId! !

!SCSeasideStateMarker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 13:23'!
sessionId: anObject
	sessionId := anObject! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 10:27'!
setCheckboxWithId: stringId to: aBoolean 
	| elem |
	elem _ self inputXMLElementWithId: stringId.
	(elem attributeAt: 'type')
			= 'checkbox'
		ifFalse: [self error: 'Not a checkbox'].
	aBoolean ifTrue: [self
		inputWithName: (elem attributeAt: 'name')
		value: (elem attributeAt: 'value')]
		ifFalse: [self clearInputWithName: (elem attributeAt: 'name')]! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:36'!
	requests _ OrderedCollection new! !

!SCTestingPseudomain methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 18:43'!
start: aRequest 
	self session redirect.
	(renderLoop _ SCRenderLoop new root: self createRoot) run! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/21/2004 01:34'!
submitForm: form pressingButton: button 
	| req url |
	self assert: form notNil.
	url _ form actionUrl.
	req _ HttpRequest
				readFromStream: (self
						httpPostRequestStreamForUrl: url
						data: (form httpDataWithButton: button)).
	^ SCParsedSeasideDocument
		fromResponse: (self issueRequestUntilNotMoved: req)! !

!WAComponent class methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 14:59'!
	^(Smalltalk hasClassNamed: self testSuiteName) ifTrue: [Smalltalk classNamed: self testSuiteName] ifFalse: []! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:25'!
	self removeApplication.
! !

!WADispatcherEditor methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting' stamp: 'cds 7/2/2004 15:22'!
test: rootClass 
		call: (SCTestRunner forCase: rootClass suite)! !

!SCSampleComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:38'!
	| result |
	self newApplicationForComponent: SCTestComponent2.
	result _ self establishSession.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorNumber: 3).
	self assert: (self componentAnswered: 1234)! !

!SCSampleComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:36'!
	| result |
	self newApplicationForComponent: SCTestComponent2.
	result _ self establishSession.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorNumber: 1).
	self assert: self component firstSent.
	self deny: self component secondSent.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorNumber: 1).
	self backAndRefresh.
	self assert: self component firstSent.
	self deny: self component secondSent! !

!WAAllTestsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 17:01'!
	| result form |
	self newApplicationForComponent: WAHtmlTest.
	result _ self establishSession.
	form _ result formWithId: 'button-form'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: '5').
	self assert: self component number = 5.
	form _ result formWithId: 'button-form'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: '1').
	self assert: self component number = 1.! !

!WAAllTestsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 16:45'!
	| result form |
	self newApplicationForComponent: WAHtmlTest.
	result _ self establishSession.
	form _ result formWithId: 'checkbox-form'.
	form activateCheckboxWithId: 'cb-a'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	self assert: self component booleanList first value.
	form _ result formWithId: 'checkbox-form'.
	form deactivateCheckboxWithId: 'cb-a'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	self deny: self component booleanList first value.
! !

!SCSampleComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:59'!
	| result |
	self newApplicationForComponent: SCTestComponent1.
	result := self establishSession.
	self assert: result bodyElement contents first string = 'hello'! !

!SCSampleComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 21:56'!
	| result |
	self newApplicationForComponent: SCTestComponent2.
	result _ self establishSession.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorNumber: 1).
	self assert: self component firstSent.
	self deny: self component secondSent.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorWithId: 'second').
	self assert: self component firstSent.
	self assert: self component secondSent! !

!SCSampleComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 00:19'!
	| result form |
	self newApplicationForComponent: SCTestComponent3.
	result _ self establishSession.
	form _ result forms first.
	form textInputWithId: 'field1' value: 'bob'.
	form textInputWithId: 'field2' value: 'jane'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	self assert: self component field1 = 'bob'.
	self assert: self component field2 = 'jane'! !

!WAAllTestsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 12:22'!
	| result form |
	self newApplicationForComponent: WAAllTests.
	result _ self establishSession.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorWithLabel: 'Input').
	self assert: self selectedComponent class = WAInputTest.
	self assert: self selectedComponent integer = 42.
	form _ result forms first.
	form textInputWithId: 'nilString' value: 'bob'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	self zork! !

!WAAllTestsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 6/27/2004 18:47'!
	| result form |
	self newApplicationForComponent: WAExceptionTest.
	form _ self establishSession forms first.
	result _ self
				submitForm: form
				pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'Yes').
	self assert: result bodyElement elements first contents first string = 'Caught: Error: foo'! !

!WAAllTestsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 14:54'!
	| result form |
	self newApplicationForComponent: WAAllTests.
	result _ self establishSession.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorWithLabel: 'Input').
	self assert: self selectedComponent class = WAInputTest.
	self assert: self selectedComponent integer = 42.
	form _ result forms first.
	form textInputWithId: 'nilString' value: 'bob'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	self assert: self selectedComponent nilString = 'some other name'! !

!WAAllTestsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 6/27/2004 19:05'!
	| result form |
	self newApplicationForComponent: WAAllTests.
	result _ self establishSession.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorWithLabel: 'Input').
	self assert: self selectedComponent class = WAInputTest.
	self assert: self selectedComponent integer = 42.
	form _ result forms first.
	form textInputWithId: 'nilString' value: 'bob'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	self assert: self selectedComponent nilString = 'bob'.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorWithLabel: 'Html').
	self assert: self selectedComponent class = WAHtmlTest.
	form _ result formWithId: 'radio-form'.
	form activateRadioButtonWithId: 'a-on'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	self assert: self selectedComponent booleanList first value.
	form _ result formWithId: 'radio-form'.
	form activateRadioButtonWithId: 'a-off'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	self deny: self selectedComponent booleanList first value.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorWithLabel: 'Parent').

	self assert: self selectedComponent class = WAParentTest.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorWithLabel: 'swap parent').
	self assert: result bodyElement elements first contents first string = 'foo'.
	self assert: (result anchorWithLabel: 'Html') isNil.
	form _ result forms first.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	self assert: (result anchorWithLabel: 'Html') notNil! !

!WAAllTestsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 17:17'!
	| result form |
	self newApplicationForComponent: WAHtmlTest.
	result _ self establishSession.
	form _ result formWithId: 'select-form'.
	form selectListWithId: 'select-list' optionWithText: '7'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	self assert: self component number = 7.
	form _ result formWithId: 'select-form'.
		should: [form selectListWithId: 'select-list' optionWithText: '15']
		raise: Error.
	form selectListWithId: 'select-list' optionWithText: '2'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	self assert: self component number = 2.
	self assert: (form buttonWithValue: '22') isNil! !

!WAComponent class methodsFor: '*SeasideTesting' stamp: 'cds 7/3/2004 15:00'!
	^(self name , 'Test') asSymbol! !

!WAAllTestsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 6/27/2004 00:08'!
	| result form |
	self newApplicationForComponent: WAHtmlTest.
	result _ self establishSession.
	form _ result formWithId: 'textarea-form'.
	self assert: form xmlElement elements first contents first string = 'Hello world!!'.
	self assert: self component message = 'Hello world!!'.
	form textInputWithId: 'textarea-message' value: 'bob'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	form _ result formWithId: 'textarea-form'.
	self assert: form xmlElement elements first contents first string = 'bob'.
	self assert: self component message = 'bob'! !

!WAAllTestsTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 17:24'!
	| result form |
	self newApplicationForComponent: WAHtmlTest.
	result _ self establishSession.
	form _ result formWithId: 'textInput-form'.
	self assert: form xmlElement elements first contents first string = 'Hello world!!'.
	self assert: self component message = 'Hello world!!'.
	form textInputWithId: 'text-message' value: 'bob'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	form _ result formWithId: 'textInput-form'.
	self assert: form xmlElement elements first contents first string = 'bob'.
	self assert: self component message = 'bob'! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 00:21'!
textInputWithId: stringId value: stringValue 
	self inputWithName: (self nameForElementWithId: stringId) value: stringValue! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 00:18'!
textInputWithName: stringName value: stringValue 
	self inputWithName: stringName value: stringValue ! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 00:41'!
	^thirdSent! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:19'!
variableFromString: aString 
	| parts |
	parts _ aString findTokens: '='.
	parts isEmpty
		ifTrue: [^ nil].
	parts size = 1
		ifTrue: [^ self anchorNumber: parts first].
	parts first = '_s'
		ifTrue: [^ self sessionId: parts second].
	parts first = '_k'
		ifTrue: [^ self continuationId: parts second]! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'posting' stamp: 'cds 6/24/2004 00:21'!
writeHttpDataFor: key value: value on: stream 
	| name |
	name _ key.
		ifNil: [^ stream nextPutAll: name].
	value isString
		ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: name;
				 nextPut: $=;
				 nextPutAll: value]
		ifFalse: [value
				do: [:each | self
						writeHttpDataFor: key
						value: each
						on: stream]
				separatedBy: [stream nextPut: $&]]! !

!SCXMLElementWrapper methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/25/2004 17:21'!
	^xmlElement! !

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