[Seaside] Content Management System in Seaside

jennyw jennyw at dangerousideas.com
Fri Feb 10 02:41:30 UTC 2006


I saw the suggestion to use Pier as a CMS.  I downloaded Pier from 
SqueakMap. I'm sure I didn't quite get it right, since some Report 
sometimes results in an error (if I'm in a leaf node, I think), and 
since clicking on Wiki prompts me to download the file (at least in 
Firefox).  But what I saw looks like a good basis for a CMS. The only 
thing I'd be concerned about, though, are the URLs. I realize that 
Seaside by default has session info in the query string, but for a CMS, 
this could be problematic.  What do you think about issues like 
bookmarking and search engines? It's nice that URLs like:


work without the query string, and that they're consistent, but I'm 
wondering in particular how a search engine would read the page (I would 
guess this differs from search engine to search engine).


Also, is there any sort of role-based security planned for Pier?



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