[Seaside] [Q] How can I Send Raw Response?

Sungjin Chun chunsj at embian.com
Mon Jan 8 12:44:34 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Lukas Renggli wrote:
>> If I use WAResponse, can I avoid creation of big WAResponse object?
> You can avoid the creation of a big WAResponse by subclassing (or by
> creating your own response-class) and defining a method #contents that
> does something smarter, like returning a file-stream instead of a
> memory-stream.

Oh, yes, right! Thanks.

> However, I would suggest to avoid letting Smalltalk handle such huge
> responses. It doesn't scale well for that matter. Since your data is
> not coming from your image it is much more efficient if you use Apache
> and Rewrite rules for that.

The data must be fetched through some kind of program (the source of
data needs some kind of authenticating process and the data should be
fetched case by case process). And this program does not need that kind
of large scalability, it's used by < 2 people concurrently. :-)

Thanks again for your help.

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