[Seaside] Seaside store

Jason Johnson jbjohns at libsource.com
Tue Sep 11 20:38:46 UTC 2007

Lukas Renggli wrote:
> I quickly tried in a Seaside 2.5 image and couldn't see any
> difference. As far as I know no changes have been made to the Store
> application for a long time.

Well, it wouldn't need changes to the store app if the API it uses has 
changed (which is why I asked).  But if you checked 2.5 and it was no 
different then my memory must be faulty.

> As far as I know there were no changes necessary.

Aha, I was under the impression that most of the things the store used 
had been changed.

> It depends on the use-case. I think in a sushi shop you normally don't
> want your items get removed from the basked when hitting the back
> button. This is probably different for a flight broker.
> Lukas

Well, just from the point of view of "what shows on my screen is where 
we are right now" I would expect going back to put me back in time, but 
as you say, the store app has never done this so it's a mute point.

Thanks for the quick response as always.

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