[Seaside] Using Insertions and Script Aculo

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 13:51:10 UTC 2007

> How to remove it,

   html element id: 'foo'; remove.

>   how to replace its content

   " replace directly using a string "
   html element id: 'foo'; update: 'bar'.


   " replace directly using a rendering context r "
   html element id: 'foo'; render: [ :r | r text: 'bar' ].


  " replace asynchronously using a rendering context r "
  html update id: 'foo'; callback: [ :r | r text: 'bar' ].

> how to insert object after the existing
> one.

  " insert after the given object "
  html update id: 'foo'; insertion: SUInsertion after; callback: [ :r
| r div: 'bar' ]

Search the mailing list for #evaluator, if you want to combine
multiple of these actions into one.

> Guys can somebody help me to implement the following with ScriptAculo
> in seaside. I understand many things, but i can't
> understand how to do it in Seaside :(.

All in all you can do all the operations you ask for. Usually your can
make your job much simpler if you just drop to idea to insert/remove
as small DOM elements as possible, but instead just update a bigger
surrounding DOM element.


Lukas Renggli

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