[Seaside] Re: FileLibrary / css files confusion - diagnosis: trying to change '/seaside/' in URL messes up FileLibrary ??

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 08:38:21 UTC 2008

> I had previously replaced '/seaside/' from my URLs by doing:
> WADispatcher default setName: self 'myBase'.
> WADispatcher default defaultName: ''.

Accessors of the form #setSomething: are private by convention, you
should not call them directly unless you exactly know what you are
doing. The base path cannot be changed using #setName:.

> As a data point, I really think that '/seaside/' in the URL should be
> entirely configurable

I agree that it should be configurable. I filed a bug report:

> and totally removed by default.

I find it more appropriate to have the /seaside prefix by default. I
have many web applications running on my development and deployment
machines and this helps a lot to integrate with other applications.
Changing it does not make anything easier, it just makes 5 years of
Seaside blogs and tutorials obsolete.


Lukas Renggli

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