[Seaside] Seaside Error Handler for emailing the error

cdrick cdrick65 at gmail.com
Sat May 3 12:19:50 UTC 2008

another try... this one works but need some tuning.

open: anException
	|maillerait sender target|
        sender := 'seaside image'.
        target := 'admin at you.com'.
	mailText :=
'From: ', sender ,'
To: ', target , '
Subject: error in your seaside app
	(SeasidePlatformSupport  walkbackStringsFor: anException)
		do: [ :each | mailText := (mailText , each) ]
		separatedBy: [ String crlf ].
	SeasidePlatformSupport  deliverMailFrom: sender to: #(target) text: mailText .

	WARenderLoop new session redirectWithMessage: 'error' delay: 2.	
"others,   are there better ways to do that?  "


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