[Seaside] The rendering context XHTML document is nil on page refresh

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 09:00:29 UTC 2009

Hi Julian,

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Julian Fitzell<jfitzell at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you show GdoHeader>>renderContentOn: ?

renderContentOn: html
       html div
                       id: 'bdGlobal';
                               [ html div
                                       id: 'bdTitre';
                                       with: [ html heading with: titre ].
                               self renderRecherche: html.
                               self renderLogo: html ]

renderLogo: html
       html div
               id: 'bdIdentLogoGlobal';
                       [ html div
                               id: 'bdLogo';
                                       [ html image
                                               url: (GdoFileLibrary
urlOf: #logoLP390x80Png);
                                               altText: 'LaPoste' ]]

renderRecherche: html
       html div
               id: 'bdRechGlobal';
                       [ html div
                               id: 'bdNomRechGlobal';
                               with: [ html render: self recherches ] ]

       chainesARechercher = '#none#' ifTrue: [^ nil].
       ^ search ifNil:
               [ search := GdoHeaderRecherches new
                       chainesARechercher: chainesARechercher;
                       gdoMain: gdoMain;
                       yourself ]

       ^ {self recherches}

> Can you define "sometimes"? Do you mean certain pages do it and
> certain pages don't or, on any given page, sometimes it happens and
> sometimes not?

1) The first page displays correctly the first time
2) If I hit refresh then I get the error message
3) If instead I go to another page, I never get the message again when
clicking on refresh, even if I go back to the first page and hit

Does that help?

Damien Cassou

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