[Seaside] Webclient debug error

Lawson English lenglish5 at cox.net
Fri Aug 6 13:06:29 UTC 2010


suggests using

(WebClient httpGet: self url) isSuccess

to test for a valid URL.

however if it is  not valid or is poorly formed you get an debugger 
error message. e.g. :

(WebClient httpGet: 'http://www.google.com') isSuccess. => true

(WebClient httpGet: 'http://www.google.c') isSuccess   ===> 
retry/giveup  (giveup)  ==> primSocket:connectTo:port:   failed
(WebClient httpGet: 'http://gjfdgi436.com') isSuccess   ===> 
retry/giveup  (giveup)  ==> primSocket:connectTo:port:   failed

using Seaside 3.0 on squeak 4.1.  and using pristine Squeak 4.1 image.

So, I'm guessing that is a bug. Also, is there another  way to test for 
vaid URLs using squeak/seaside?


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