[Seaside] JQuery Mobile 1.1.1

Nick Ager nick.ager at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 07:52:21 UTC 2012


I've integrated the JQuery mobile 1.1.1 library version into Seaside's
JQueryMobile support. I delayed the announcement as I was having a problem
with transition artefacts for slide transitions with fixed headers and
footers. I found the solution:
https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/4024 and have included a
file library with the fix
integrated JQM111LocalDevelopmentWithTransitionFixesLibrary

However JQM 1.2 will be released soon - perhaps the transition fix won't be
necessary on that version....

I've added a WASystemConfiguration class - JQMConfigurator - which allows
you to select the JQM library version you'd like to use from within /config

The local libraries are now based on WAFileMetadataLibrary which maintains
paths ensuring the paths to png eg 'images/icons-36-white.png' work as
expected from the local CSS.

As ever you can install JQM from a Seaside 3.0.7 release with:

Gofer it
> url: 'http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/jQueryMobile';
>   package: 'ConfigurationOfJQueryMobile';
>   load.
> ConfigurationOfJQueryMobile loadBleedingEdge.

The test/demo code installs itself at: '/javascript/jquery-mobile'

See also - http://jquerymobile.seasidehosting.st (although this is still
based on JQM 1.0)

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