[Seaside] Rendering transposed tables

Karsten Kusche karsten at heeg.de
Tue Jan 22 13:46:53 UTC 2019


if it’s easier to render objects per row, why not create an object for this purpose? Then you can use the new objects like you’d expect and create them from the existing objects.

Kind Regards

Am 22. Januar 2019 um 14:42:49, Esteban Maringolo (emaringolo at gmail.com<mailto:emaringolo at gmail.com>) schrieb:

I have a list of objects and I need to render them in a transposed table, it is, one object per column instead of object per row as it would be easiest way to do it.

Did anybody create a set of utility methods to render a table this way?

Ideally without big library dependencies (I'm using Seaside to render the HTML, but the output if for reporting/email).


Esteban A. Maringolo
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