[Setools] Re: Gjallar : questions

goran at krampe.se goran at krampe.se
Fri Aug 11 10:41:32 UTC 2006

Hi Florent!

florent trolat <trolat.florent at laposte.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> Good job  : http://swiki.krampe.se/gjallar, it's very usefull for me :-)

I will try to get even more info up there.
> 1/
> About architecture I've tried to understand this part on the 
> requirements document, but it's for me a difficult point ;-).
> "Sripting" seems to be very usefull but can you use it to move case for 
> example?

Today there is no Scripting mechanism implemented but we had a meeting
just today where a few things popped up that would be best dealt with
using simple scripting, so I will probably add it soon.

The idea is to be able to tie Smalltalk code easily into both forms and
as "handlers" of events. One example is to fill in a calculated value in
one field when editing another. Another example is more complex
notification triggers, or more advanced integration needs.

> 2/
> What's the main idea to make a distinction between Process and 
> ProcessPrototype ?

An organization like Micronic (or any one) has a LOT of different issue
processes - some of them are clearly visible and known, others are
"hidden" in the way people work - like a group of people sending an
Excel document around gathering information, or a group of people
sharing an email account in order to have a common "inbox" for issues

So the system should easily support setting up new Processes that are
"pre configured". The best way to do that is to be able to clone an
existing Process which has been configured. So there is no class
ProcessPrototype - a prototype of a Process is just a Process that is
not kept in the list of "real" Processes and is only used by cloning it
to get a new such Process.

The same technique exists in the system for creating Cases (by cloning
an existing prototype case) and Users (or at least that was the idea,
not implemented yet IIRC).

> thanks,
> Flo

regards, Göran

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