caching of screen display...

Lex Spoon lex at
Thu Dec 2 10:17:10 UTC 1999

"Raab, Andreas" <Andreas.Raab at> wrote:
> > > For example, setting "PasteUpMorph MinCycleLapse: 1000" should reduce
> > > network traffic pretty far, too....
> Yes, but it has currently bad side effects (such as that Morphs won't step
> for this period of time).

True, but typical values are more like 10-30, which are also the kind of
values that John was talking about for practical use.  This causes a
frame limitation of 30-100 fps, and morphs are inactive only between
"frames"; but you probably *want* them to be deactive at those times so
as to save CPU.

I guess there could be benefit from having a higher framerate within
Morphic, and then limitting the frequency that actual frames get posted.

But I still think the real solution is to implement a proper display
server in Squeak; then bandwidth should go down tremendously for most
purposes (3D explicitly excluded :|), and a T1 should be plenty fast to
run morphic at 60 fps.  (And a modem might never be fast enough to run
Squeak reasonably, under any level of effort, though I'd love to be
proven wrong)


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