Smalltalk-80 font

Scott Wallace Scott.Wallace at
Thu Dec 30 23:04:33 UTC 1999

I had the same experience.  I thought it might be a 2.7a vs. 2.6 
thing, but I tried it in both systems with the same result.

   -- Scott

At 2:29 PM -0800 12/30/99, Andrew P. Black wrote:
>Stefan Matthias Aust writes
>>Somewhere on the web (I think on Helge Horch's page) I found a strike font
>>called PaloAlto which looks like the original Smalltak-80 font.  I made a
>>fontset for this font and would like to share it here.
>>Attachment converted: (pZIP/pZIP) (0002AEE1)
>I filed this in, and replied "yes" to the 'Do you want to install
>''PaloAlto'' as default font?' question.  Everything hung, and 
>eventually the VM crashed with what I believe is called a stack 
>walkback with "out of memory" at the top.  (I've never had this 
>happen before - I guess that I just don't hack hard enough.)

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