back to memcpy eh?

Tim Rowledge tim at
Sat Dec 15 04:57:36 UTC 2001

"David N. Smith (IBM)" wrote:
> John:
> That is one of the more disgusting bits of C code I've ever seen (short of the Obfuscated C contest). And it's legal!  Beautiful!
Hey, what's wrong with it? Same trick was used in BrouHaHa 10-15 years
ago. Seems perfectly legit to me...

In fact I did one even wilder; when ARMs didn't have instruction caches
it was trivial to do self compiling code. For a few instructions work
you could generate a loop (on the stack, of course :-) that would blast
out some number of prepared registers using the multiple-store rapid
dump instruction, loop appropriately and then fill in the last few slot.
Same idea made ARM bitblt go like a rat up a drainpipe even without fast
memory, caches, pipelining, all this modern crap. We'ad it tough in them
days. Tell that to kids these days and they won't believe yer.


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