Lost in Squeak world....

Rick ricardosbc at netwave.com.br
Sun Feb 11 17:24:27 UTC 2001

    My first contact with Smalltalk was some years ago, just by
accident. Everything I know about it I learned using Smalltalk Express
(v 2.0) I downloaded from objectshare site with some tutorials. Using it
I developed two litle applications and after I learned the basics of the
language I thought "it's easy!". The only limitation I could'nt deal
with is that Smalltalk Express does not recognize long file names, only
the dos 8.3 file naming.
    Well, some days before I asked myself if there was somewhere any
newest version of it with this capacity. I didn't found anymore the
objectshare website, but searching it I found Squeak.Althought the
language is the same, it is completely different from the old Smalltalk
Express: all classes and methods are different, and I am completely lost
trying to find correspondences. I think that copy and paste classes from
the old would not work, and I did not tryed it.....
    In less words: I am unable to use pluggableListView just the same
way I was used to do with ListBox or ListPane. At this point, after
frying my brain for some DAYS, I could build my application window with
the necessary pluggableListViews and some buttons, and make a
pluggableListView display the content of an OrderedCollection, but I
don't know how to update it when the OrderedCollection receives new
elements - this happens when I click on other list item. In Smalltalk
Express this was simple as typing

            (self paneNamed: 'aName') contents: anOrderedCollectionName

in the method responsable for adding the new element to the collection.
    When I tryed

            pluggableListView list: anOrderedCollectionName

all I got was an uncomprehensible walkback window saying "At least one
digit expected here".
    Can anybody guide me in Squeak before I burn all my neurons??????

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