[updates] and 12 more...

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at disney.com
Sat Feb 3 00:00:40 UTC 2001

... as follows ...

	- Dan
3313WorldDrawCleanup-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 30 January 2001
Removes #pseudoDraw:on: out of PasteUps and makes the general drawing method use #drawOn: instead. Cleans up quite a bit of code and allows for some neat effects:
	World borderWidth: 5; borderColor: Color red.

3314OSDrop-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 10 January 2001
Basic support for dropping files from the OS. Requires two platform specific functions (retrieving the name and the file handle of the dropped file) and a platform specific mechanism for generating the drop event when a (set of) files has been dropped."

3315DropFiles-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 10 January 2001
Image side support for dropping files from the OS onto Squeak. Right now this is pretty simple (it assumes all files are bitmaps) but this is something to work on."

3316MacTypes-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 2 February 2001
Move Mac specific code into Mac specific class."

3317MorePrefs-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 2 February 2001
Two more preferences:
#soundStopWhenDone: Shut down the sound player when it finished.
#automaticPlatformSettings: Enable automatic settings of certain preferences depending on the platform we're coming up.
Preferences addPreference: #soundStopWhenDone category: #media default: false balloonHelp: 'If true, the sound player is shut down after playing finished.'.
Preferences addPreference: #automaticPlatformSettings category: #general default: true balloonHelp: 'If true, certain preferences are automatically set according to the current platform.'.

3318PowerManager-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 2 February 2001
Make the power manager primitive named."


3320AllNamedPrims -- Andreas Raab -- 2 February 2001
The change set replaces all the obsolete indexed primitives with named primitives."

3321BEOS-Support -- Colin Sarsfield -- 2 February 2001
Add BEOS support to sqConfig.h and sqPlatSpec.h"


3323PDAFix-di -- Dan Ingalls -- 2 February 2001
Fixes a problem with recurrence symbols for recurring events.

3324MoreNamedPrims-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 2 February 2001
Maps the obsolete named primitives to their actual versions in the image."

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