[BUG][3.2gamma] HTTPSocket httpShowJpeg: locks up image

Brent Vukmer bvukmer at blackboard.com
Tue Jul 9 19:01:11 UTC 2002

The following code, executed in a Workspace in a copy of the 3.2gammma5 image, is causing the image to lock up:
  HTTPSocket httpShowJpeg: 'http://www.perl.com/supersnail/images/small/sm_os5_r12_0602_w1_small.jpg', .

Debugging shows the perl.com server is returning a 302-redirect response to the GET-request built by HTTPSocket  httpGetDocument: url args: args accept: mimeType request: requestString

I can browse to URL, and wget likes it just fine ... What's bothering HTTPSocket ?

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