[ANN] StarBrowser 1.1 available

Roel Wuyts roel.wuyts at iam.unibe.ch
Thu Nov 21 00:43:56 UTC 2002


[If you don't know what the StarBrowser is, you can find out at 
http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~wuyts/StarBrowser/index.html ]

Ned Konz helped me out and as a result you have (sooner as expected) a 
second version of the StarBrowser. Drag&drop was added, more menu 
options are available and it starts to become pretty usable.

Next will be the integration of more editors (Refactoring Browser and 
method editors) and a mechanism to switch between services.
Roel Wuyts                                                   Software 
Composition Group
roel.wuyts at iam.unibe.ch                       University of Bern, 
Board Member of the European Smalltalk User Group: www.esug.org

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