Effective SM entries (was Proposal for Morphicperformance-measurement

Jesse Welton jwelton at pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu
Tue Jul 29 14:11:14 UTC 2003

Daniel Vainsencher wrote:
> It is a pity that people so often put up a package in SM and then the
> package doesn't get used.
> I think there is something that can make an SM entry much more
> attractive, so people are likelier to try out the package, and also
> makes it more likely that people will suceed in using the package, and
> that most people don't do.
> *Write down completely explicit instructions on how to use the package*.
> And yes, I really mean *completely explicit*.

I agree that this kind of explicit documentation is important, but I'm
not at all sure that the SM entry is the right place for it.  There,
you want a sufficient overview to know what the package does,
something about the style of interaction, and where to look to get
started.  Complete instructions should preferably be included with the
package itself, in such a way that they remain accessible (and easily
found) for future reference within the image.  The tutorial pane of
SmaCC is an excellent example of this.

As for the EventInterceptorMorph in particular, I didn't want to spend
too much time documenting it because it's still in a highly
preliminary state.  For instance:

> BTW, I think this package would be wonderful if it displayed the time
> distribution and source code as the current UI for TimeProfileBrowser
> does.

The time distribution is part of the planned integration of
SendTreeExplorer with MessageTally.  Adding a code pane is also

> The fact that it uses a tree widget instread of a list is a good
> thing. I think the package should also allow one to debug the event
> handling process, instead of tracing it. If this is possible with the
> package, I haven't found how to.

It's not currently possible.  I think it's possible to add this, but I
don't know how useful it would be.  Interactively debugging Morphic
processes from within Morphic is tremendously difficult because many
things (particularly layout) are constantly being completed by the UI
process before you can trace them in the debugger.


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