[BUG][FIX] DeclarativePools

Nevin Pratt nevin at smalltalkpro.com
Fri Jun 6 01:31:22 UTC 2003

Tim Rowledge wrote:

>I'm not sure which is better in the long term; I prefer the elegance
>of SharedPool but don't like the filein hassles. Any other opinions
>before we spend too much time on a dead-end?

This is a case where, IMO, the mentality of "burn the disk packs" is 
completely justified.  In other words, forget about legacy code 
support-- just do the best technical thing.

And IMO, having a class *be* the pool rather than just *define* the pool 
is best technically.

But that's just my opinion.


Nevin Pratt
Bountiful Baby
(801) 992-3137

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