Convincing a harvester (was on SqF list)

Daniel Vainsencher danielv at
Wed May 7 01:35:44 UTC 2003

Yoshiki.Ohshima at wrote:
[Snip about TTFonts]
>   But, honestly, I don't think that is a great idea to have an image
> that contains the classes that represent the read data structure
> without having the reader logic itself.
OK, stupid idea on my part. I've given up on any chance for me to add
anything coherent to the discussion of this package. I will not object
if someone else harvests this da^H^H^H package ;-).

*** About Multilingualization
> > In short, you do think it's ready for inclusion. Ok, that's good news.
> > Are there parts of the code that you think are not ready for inclusion
> > (don't yet quite work, are maybe more complicated than needed...)?
> > remember maintaining stuff in the image is slower that making changes to
> > your package on SM...
>   Oh, well.  This is a tricky question.  
[snip details]
> My feeling is that
> I'd be embarrased in some code, but at the same time it is not going
> anywhere until it is included.  
And what if we do include it and it doesn't go anywhere anyway?

> It is stable in that sense you can
> fix/modify the code with following stream of change set.
>   If "don't yet quite work" is the criteria to judge if it is ready or
> not, maybe it is not.  But, I kind of feel that this is not the
> optimal criteria.  
It isn't the criteria, those are part of the risks we need to be aware

> I might say "it is good enough to be fixed" would
> be the one...
yes, maybe adding "... cheaper than not having accepted it in the first
place". Which depends on how many people understand the tricky parts,
how active the writer of the code is in supporting it after it is

I'd like one additional voice saying that it is good enough to be fixed,
so that if it get's fubared and you're otherwise occupied, we don't find
ourselves stuck. <whisper>3.3a modules</whisper>.

>   Hmm, this maybe the strategic thing Andreas was mentioning.  My gut
> feeling (I like this phrase:-) is that until it gets into the main
> stream, not many people are going to take a look at it seriously.

I'm not asking that you sell it to the whole world, and I'm not saying
it should stay on SM. But why should we not be able to get one more
independent person to seriously use and vouch for *the only solution*
for Squeak multilingualization? why should it matter for this that it's
on SM? and not included? because we might choose to go with the
competition? there isn't any.

I would really love Squeak base to be multilingual, but I don't think
we're ready yet, even if it turns out the code is ready. OTOH, it only
been easily available to the world for a short time. Maybe it'll attract
users by or even before 3.7.


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