Changing how eToy tiles work (was: [IMPORTANT] Concrete proposals!)

diegogomezdeck at diegogomezdeck at
Tue May 13 07:27:11 UTC 2003

>> No, I've had a couple of FIXes get in.  But if I were to change how
>> the EToy tiles work, I'd expect difficulty getting the change in.
>> Since you assure me that this is not true, I believe you.
> Changing how eToy tiles work? Well, you would probably have a long
> discussion in front of you - but probably not from the Guides. None of
> us are eToyers I think, except for Ned who has been playing a bit. I
> would expect though that the eToyers would give you a hard time... ;-)

On the contrary!  Research is exactly what we need can keep alive the
original dynabook-spirit.

Joshua/Everydoby: Please try EVERY idea you have.  It's the main goal with
Squeak: "To have a place where our ideas can grow and infect others"



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