squeak as a biological system

jan ziak ziakjan at host.sk
Thu May 29 21:53:24 UTC 2003

On Thu, 29 May 2003 20:06:11 +0000, Sean Charles wrote
> I knew it would come to me, he (jan) is NOT a Turing Machine, he's a an 
> Emacs Doctor session that's somehow gotten connected to the 
> internet....this is my Mac Emacs session on the matter, for real, not 
> simulated.

why do think i am not Eliza ?

> I am the psychotherapist.  Please, describe your problems.  Each time
> you are finished talking, type RET twice.
> jan is a human
> Why do you say jan is a human?
> because of his postings
> Are you sure that is the real reason?
> definately, there's plenty of them.
> Is it because of his postings that you say definately there's plenty
> of them?
> For sure doc, for sure.
> Maybe your plans have something to do with this.
> What plans? Oh, for OO to be real?
> What makes you believe what plans for oo to be real?
> Because jan says they are
> Is it because jan says they are that you came to me?
> Yes
> I see...  Well, are you sure that this is so?
> Er, I think so, it's been so long.
> Earlier you said jan says they are?
> He still does.
> Is it because of your life that you are going through all this?

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