X11 Server for Squeak!

Dan Ingalls Dan at SqueakLand.org
Mon Nov 10 23:26:22 UTC 2003

>1. First of all, how do you make Squeak run directly on the frame
>buffer on Linux?  I know I have seen some discussion of this before on
>the list, but I couldn't find it by searching the list on GMane or
>searching the swiki.

This is exactly what Ian Piumarta has done for the Squeak PC project (funded by my Weather Station needs).  He has written a new display driver that lets Squeak display directly to the frame buffer, and handles other related mouse and keyboard details.

We are just finishing that off this week (I have been using it all weekend), and Michael Rueger, who has done the integration into a nice small (because no X) kernel, will be putting it all out for people to play with as soon as we have the last little nit (there is one) fixed.  I am hoping within the week.

	- Dan

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