Monticello feature requests

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Fri Apr 16 17:52:22 UTC 2004

Am 16.04.2004 um 19:41 schrieb Avi Bryant:

> (Bert, this message bounced when I tried to reply privately, so I'm 
> moving it on-list)

Umm - to my address? Strange ...

> On Apr 16, 2004, at 1:46 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>> Hi Avi,
>> I tried today to merge some changes from another developer into my 
>> image. However, since this other version was a direct descandant of 
>> my version and I did not change anything in the mean time, I had no 
>> conflicts. In this case, the Merge Browser does not allow me to keep 
>> or reject specific methods. Also, the merge list is not sorted, which 
>> makes it a bit more difficult than it should be.
> That it's not sorted is a bug - I'll fix that.  That it doesn't let 
> you reject non-conflicting methods is supposed to be a feature, but 
> enough people have complained that I'm ready to decide I was wrong 
> about that.  I'll see what it would take to let you do that.  You know 
> that once you've rejected changes, you won't (easily) be able to merge 
> them in later if you change your mind, right?

Well, if I could get a diff from any version to mine and cherry-pick on 
that ...

>> Or should I have used the Change browser instead, like I would 
>> normally use a change list? Your version does also not allow to keep 
>> or removed selected changes.
> Right, that's another option - to add an "install" context menu to 
> items in the changes browser, so you can cherry pick individual 
> changes without affecting your version history.  That's definitely 
> something that's needed.
> Which approach would have been better for you in this case?

Actually, opening a FileContentsBrowser or ChangeList on the changes 
would be very nice :-)

- Bert -

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