Helping other for helping us too

Hans Nikolaus Beck HNBeck at
Sat Apr 17 15:47:31 UTC 2004

Hi Stephane,

Am 17.04.2004 um 16:19 schrieb stéphane ducasse:

> hi hans
> I imagine that you filled the survey 
> For the stories, I just listen when I go to conference and I'm 
> organizing ESUG so people talk to me.
> I read also the cincom digest.
> There is also the site of monty where people can list their projects. 
> Hans you should also contact the cincom promoting people in germany 
> laurent monika and georg heeg

I' ve already talked with this persons a lot and had *very* good talks, 
including  really good offerings for my company  and helpful 
suggestions to step further in order to introducing smalltalk.
But related to the success stories, I only here "AMD fab works with 
smalltalk, Deutsche Bundesbahn has a smalltalk application and so on 
The problem is to hear really non trivial details which could convince 
my colleagues....;-) I don't want to see source code, but I want - no I 
need to get more than "they use it".



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