The future of SM...

lex at lex at
Mon Aug 2 14:48:02 UTC 2004

Stephan Rudlof <sr at> wrote:
> One remark regaring mixing: I think it is possible to mix.
> But in this case, the 'measurement' of compatibility (needed for the
> DepS system in my mind) between different packages (requires, conflicts)
> and between different package releases of one package ('compatibility
> code' in recent terminology) is more work for the maintainers.
> E.g. they had to give some hints about how compatible a package from one
> universe is in the other one, in *addition* to the normal hints about
> how compatible it is in just one.

Note that the "hint" could be:

	A addPackage: P

But then again, at that point, it is no longer "mixing".  :)


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