Morphic, I still don't get it...

Bill Schwab BSchwab at
Mon Aug 9 22:59:17 UTC 2004


"GUI Building Tools"

It is probably worth picking one of these and making it available in a "full" image in the future, along with a good Play With Me that shows how to use it. IMHO, we should accept into the "full" image the first GUI library whose maintainer promises to build and maintain a Play With Me for it.

With all due respect, and much gratitude for your work on Squeak, this is a version of the kind of thinking that gave us 20+ years of market domination by Microsoft.  Geezzzz, I didn't mean to be that hard on you, but I can't quite bring myself to backspace over it.  Let me at least attempt to justify it.

The real criteria should be, for the tool itself: quality, flexibility, the track record of the maintainer (if he/she is given to frequent unexplained disappearances, etc., it might not be a good idea).

Arguably, even more important than the tool, is the "widget set(s)" that is provides/uses/accomodates.  As I said before, I think emulated widgets are perfectly ok (I would go so far as to say greatly superior to native widgets); **BUT**, they are only as good as their feel.  Ideally, they would be so beautifully designed and factored that their "look" would be easily and energetically maintained by the community, and also customizable by any motivated user/programmer.

Get all of that right, and a PlayWithMe will appear, and for the right framework, not the first one that happens to offer it.

Again, appologies for the Microsoft crack :)



Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Department of Anesthesiology
PO Box 100254
Gainesville, FL 32610-0254

Email: bills at
Tel: (352) 846-1285
FAX: (352) 392-7029

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