[RANT] Come on people! ;)

Doug Way dway at mailcan.com
Tue Dec 21 19:06:45 UTC 2004

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 10:48:46 +0100, "Stéphane Rollandin"
<lecteur at zogotounga.net> said:
> Doug Way wrote:
> > 
> > Even with "no offense intended", saying that you think someone should 
> > resign is still a somewhat ridiculous thing to say, given that you're 
> > just arguing about general direction strategies.  Although I see that 
> > you added a ":)" for safe measure.
> we are cultivating nonsense. my message precisely meant exactly what you 
> say here. and the smiley is not here to protect me, but because I was 
> joking in my resign proposal: just wanted to show Göran that he was 
> basically saying that you need no Guide for squeak development. He is a 
> Guide. So I thought "ah, ah" let's joke. ok, you can be sure I won't do 
> it any more. obviously I do not how how to express myself in english 
> well enough to do such risky things.

Ok, I see what you were trying to say, that makes more sense.  I
misinterpreted you as saying he should resign because you didn't agree
with what he was doing.  But you really meant that if you don't need
(strongly leading) Guides, then why have Guides at all?  Point taken,
although I don't necessarily agree with you.

It *is* okay to question what the Guides or anyone else is doing, so
don't worry about that.  Squeak-dev has always been something of a
free-for-all.  It is always a bit riskier if you are not a native
English speaker. :-)

- Doug

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