Slashdot reports on Alan Kay, HP

Gary Fisher gafisher at
Fri Jul 22 12:03:43 UTC 2005

It's sad to see HP in such desperate straits; it reminds me of a farmer who abandons his seed corn because his wagon has a loose wheel.  I don't think Dr. Kay will be reduced to spending his nights on park benches because of this, and HP will survive in some form or another; the biggest concerns this story raises are its implications for our industry.


-----Original Message-----
From: Blake <blake at>
Sent: Jul 22, 2005 1:10 AM
	The general-purpose Squeak developers list <squeak-dev at>
Subject: Slashdot reports on Alan Kay, HP

"Wow. Hewlett-Packard has disbanded its Advanced Software Research team
and sent its leader, reknowned programmer Alan Kay, packing. From today's
Good Morning Silicon Valley: 'HP is bidding adieu to legendary Silicon
Valley technologist Alan Kay. A founder of Xerox's Palo Alto Research
Center, Kay -- who once said, "The best way to predict the future is to
invent it" -- was instrumental in the development of the windowing GUI and
modern object-oriented programming. He envisioned a laptop computer long
before the first ones rolled out and his Smalltalk programming language
was a predecessor to Sun Microsystems' Java. Hard to believe HP's cutting
him loose.' Maybe Apple will hire him."

Incredulous reactions at Slashdot:

<h3><b>Gary Fisher</b></h3>
<h4><b><i>Processed via WebMail</i></b></h4>

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