XML patterns

stéphane ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Sun Jun 19 10:16:06 UTC 2005

On 19 juin 05, at 11:11, Hans N Beck wrote:

> Hi Stef,
> Am 18.06.2005 um 21:23 schrieb stéphane ducasse:
>> hi
>> serializing a simple object in XML is simple. Now I was wondering  
>> if there are good practices to serialize
>> and reload composed objects.
>> For example:
>>     if I have an attribute containing a date, should I do the  
>> readFromString by hand as a postaction?
>>     if I have an attribute containing a collection, should I  
>> recreate the collection after loading?
> I'm not shure what this example should show. Do you mean to have  
> patterns for serializing object to XML in Squeak or in general ?
> But one remark I would add: in the first step, the tree build from  
> the XML stream should first reflect the XML structure, that means  
> you can access a node having text node child, attribute node child  
> and so on. The values are given as strings, but with type infos.  
> From this the original object is created, by using this XML nodes  
> and additional informations like culture info, which allows to  
> interpret the strings in the value child nodes correct (date, time,  
> currency, seperators etc).
> So is your example above positioned in the first step (XML Node) or  
> second (object creation) ?

I have an object that I want to serialize in XML now this object  
contains a date object
of course I can save it explicitly as a string and do a readFrom....
But I wanted to know if there is a more advance serialization process.

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