About squeak image compatibility (3.6/7/8)

Cees De Groot cdegroot at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 10:10:22 UTC 2006

On 1/9/06, Avi Bryant <avi.bryant at gmail.com> wrote:
> A suggestion that I think I've made in the past is that we explicitly
> acknowledge the forking by not privileging any of the forks with the
> name "Squeak" or the front page of squeak.org.

That could work - it is certainly worthwhile to work into that
direction. Instead of a "to download click here" button a sort of
wizzard that asks what you want to do with Squeak :-) .

However, people can't help wanting something "canonical". And I think
it'd be good to have something canonical, at the very least for people
like toolbuilders so they can build cross-distribution tools. We just
should make the canonical thing very small, I think (Core Squeak)...

Would you be willing to maintain a Seaside distribution?

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