The original Squeak release is available under APSL2.

tim Rowledge tim at
Thu May 25 19:32:01 UTC 2006

On 25-May-06, at 11:51 AM, Andreas Raab wrote:

>> As Andreas demonstrated,  it is not obvious that you can relicense  
>> code
>> you've written just because you wish to.
> I did? I thought I did the precise opposite, namely demonstrating  
> that there are many bits and pieces that I *can* relicense nilly- 
> willy because I own them and have proof of that ownership ;-)

But the fact that you own 'many bits' carries the clear implication  
that you don't own other bits, which is likely the situation for many  
of us.

I'm pretty sure that I can claim legitimate control over all the code  
I've provided. A lot of VM and VMMaker code was written explicitly to  
release to the Squeak community and I assert that means giving it  
freely. There is also the point that Interval and exobox no longer  
exist to drop lawyers on us as well as the management in both cases  
being desirous of helping the community. Other code was written for  
VPRI with the explicit intention of giving it to the community and  
then recent stuff done for Sophie is likewise explicitly intended to  
be open. All the rest was done in my own time anyway and I consider  
that gifted to Squeak.

tim Rowledge; tim at;
Useful random insult:- Got into the gene pool while the lifeguard  
wasn't watching.

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