Cryptographic Primitives

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Fri Oct 6 18:11:40 UTC 2006

J J wrote:
> Also it would be interesting to hear Bryce's input on this.  Speeding up 
> now is good, but if the JIT turns out fast (as it sounds like it will) 
> then we would want as much as possible to be pure smalltalk, no?

No. First, Exupery is not a JIT. Second, it is not yet in a state where 
it can be used for serious production projects. Third, having a plugin 
doesn't mean you can't have a pure smalltalk version - in fact the pure 
smalltalk version would be the default isn't available. Therefore, 
adding the primitives doesn't take anything away, all it does is add 
some very significant speed benefits.

   - Andreas

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