DeltaStreams small update

Andrew Tween amtween at
Fri Aug 24 05:14:34 UTC 2007

> As to human readable - well.. let's just say XML leaves a lot to be 
> desired there :) I'd much rather see pure message sends going on here, eg:
> self encoding: #utf8.
> self class: 'SuperDeltaObject' superclass: 'Object' do: [
>    self instanceVariables: #(a b c).
>    self comment: 'uhm, what class comment ;-)'.
>    self method: 'with:do:' category: '--all--' timestamp: '8/23/2004 
> 14:41' author: 'st' body: [
>       ^this perform: that
>    ].
>    self classMethod: 'initialize' category: 'class initialization' 
> timestamp: '8/23/2004 14:42' author: 'st' body: [
>    ].
> ]

That looks good.
How does the body:[ ... ] part parse? Is there a way of quickly 'skipping' 
from start '[' to the end ']' without having to parse the source in the 
midlle with a full Smalltalk parser? It can't just skip matching '[ ]' 
pairs, in case there are ']' embedded in strings etc. , right?

DeltaStreams, on disk, could be large. Especially if used as a kind of finer 
grained .changes file. Quickly scanning the file to find 'interesting' 
entries, without deserializing the whole file into memory, would be useful.


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