Start with a short user story. ( e.g. kbd focus) Then...

Jerome Peace peace_the_dreamer at
Wed Jan 3 03:57:58 UTC 2007

Hi Lukas, hi Bill, ( and JJ) 

A good user story gathers resources to it. And the
ball starts rolling.

Next two things are needed. Roles need to be
negotiated. Someone needs to play the user.
And others the developers.
The user role has to entail carrying the flame.  I
think of this at the This-Shall-Be-Done-Bit.
If the flame goes out or the Bit gets dropped then the
project ends. So these must be guarded carefully.

It is also the users duty to determine and apply the
acceptance tests. When the tests pass to the Users
satisfaction the project is essentially done.  Then we
pound on the harvesters/release teams to get the code
adopted into the squeak stream.

The developer role is creating the code that gets
closer and closer to what the user wishes for.

Second, all along the creation there needs to be a
communication between the developer and the user.
The developer role is to Know-What-Can-Be-Done (easily
and quickly). And for finding out from the user if the
results are acceptable and what

User stories are nessecarily vague. They are meant to
be modified as the experience of implementation
experiments informs the knowledge of the user and


In the context of squeak development we often lose
sight of the two roles with the developer also being
the user or vice versa.  Even so, its good to remember
the two roles are different. It is also good when
there are two people to take the separate roles (even
if they switch roles at times during the project). It
keeps things clear.

Start with a short user story. ( e.g. kbd focus)
Lukas Renggli renggli at 
Fri Dec 15 07:01:49 UTC 2006 wrote:

>Bill Schwab BSchwab at 
>Thu Dec 14 22:44:02 UTC 2006  wrote:

> Squeak's lists are far too eager to grab keyboard
focus.  I am
> (slowly!!) working on a fix (see MouseOverMadness.cs
on Mantis), 
Hi Bill can you supply a url for this code? To me
mantis means the bugtracking stuff.
And I searched that but couldn't find anything to lead
me to your code. -Jer

> Doug Way (IIRC) provided some very useful
constructive criticism of the
> first draft.  Feel free to beat me to it, or to
organize a larger effort
> to get this right.

Great to hear that there are people working on
improving the
usability. Continue!

If you need a tester, I can help.


Lukas Renggli

>J J azreal1977 at 
>Fri Dec 15 19:43:29 UTC 2006 added: 

JJ>Squeak has the old X windows style by default.

Thanks for helping.

How do you know this? Can you point us to the style
spec? In your opinion, what of this spec is important
to keep?

CM>>has added that for the hardware he has the mouse
over method for keyboard focus works great.

That's good feedback and well worth taking note of.
And strong arguments for a decision to keep things the
way they are is premature. A need for change has been
proposed. That needs to be nurtured until the user
story is more developed. Your strong preference,
Chris, should be noted as a request to add to the
story. The current mouse over feature needs a
preference option.

So now, does this get developed further or not? Lucas
would be the obvious one for the User role to develop
the story. Bill has sounded interested in implementing
 and several of us, (Chris excepted) have noted that
this story could be an improvement for our situations.

So is there an energy to pursue this further?

Yours in service, -- Jerome Peace

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