Could we fix the web site

stephane ducasse stephane.ducasse at
Sat Jan 6 17:07:28 UTC 2007

Hi karl

my point is about the place of the news on the web site. I think that  
we need something that anybody (and certainly someone
evaluating me can understand). When people click on my cv on the  
squeak web site, it should be great.
And the news section should not be the top items. Or I can remove all  
the links I have on my sites and cv to but this
would be sad because imagine a person not knowing anything about  
squeak going to the site and reading the first paragraph right now.

>> Stef
> The news feed is from so if you join the news team  
> you will be able to post directly.

I do not want. I have nothing against news and I have nothing to say.

> Typos and other standards of posting to the news feed should  
> probably be addressed to the news team.
> Karl

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