Could we fix the web site

stephane ducasse stephane.ducasse at
Sat Jan 6 18:28:38 UTC 2007


really I'm quite annoyed. I cannot tell you all the story behind my  
mail but this is not a simple idiot remark.
Can't we get the welcome paragraph in the first place?
Should I really totally boycott Squeak?
Don't you understand that we are in a world where people communicate  
and judge on form?

News Feed as a title of the first item of the page that describes  
squeak is not a smart choice. For somehow not knowing at all
what squeak is about and that does not really care about getting  
involved but just want to give a glance.

Then there are 5 typos in the following text. So the fact that we do  
not control (or may be somebody edited the text and the list by hand)
  what is published there would push us to be cautious and not put it  
up front.

	"Croquet Edit and Create 3d Objects
Howard Stearns reciently replyed to a question from Mathieu. I  
thought I’d reporduce his response here. Howard give a lot of very  
good information about Croquet support for third party tools...."

So what I suggest is to swap the welcome and the news feeds. I think  
that this is important.


On 6 janv. 07, at 18:53, Karl wrote:

> stephane ducasse wrote:
>> Hi karl
>> my point is about the place of the news on the web site. I think  
>> that we need something that anybody (and certainly someone
>> evaluating me can understand). When people click on my cv on the  
>> squeak web site, it should be great.
>> And the news section should not be the top items. Or I can remove  
>> all the links I have on my sites and cv to but this
>> would be sad because imagine a person not knowing anything about  
>> squeak going to the site and reading the first paragraph right now.
> The first paragraph is about the OLPC which has Squeak as part of  
> it's software. I would consider that a very big news item.
> The frontpage got very static and nobody updated it and nobody  
> wants to lead the web team so this was a good solution for us,  
> since a webpage that newer changes is a dead webpage, at least in  
> my book.
>>>> Stef
>>> The news feed is from so if you join the news  
>>> team you will be able to post directly.
>> I do not want. I have nothing against news and I have nothing to say.
> I find that hard to believe ;-)
> Karl
>>> Typos and other standards of posting to the news feed should  
>>> probably be addressed to the news team.
>>> Karl

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