[squeak-dev] The Trunk: Graphics-nice.244.mcz

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Wed Oct 2 12:28:47 UTC 2013

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-nice.244
Author: nice
Time: 2 October 2013, 2:27:13.506 pm
UUID: a18d7ca3-3796-4a61-ba74-116adf0849ce
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.243

Move some CharacterBlockScanner methods used exclusively by MVC in ST80-Support.

=============== Diff against Graphics-nice.243 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CharacterBlockScanner>>buildCharacterBlockIn: (in category 'private') -----
- buildCharacterBlockIn: para
- 	"This method is used by the MVC version only."
- 	| lineIndex runLength lineStop stopCondition |
- 	"handle nullText"
- 	(para numberOfLines = 0 or: [text size = 0])
- 		ifTrue:	[^ CharacterBlock new stringIndex: 1  "like being off end of string"
- 					text: para text
- 					topLeft: (para leftMarginForDisplayForLine: 1 alignment: (alignment ifNil:[textStyle alignment]))
- 								@ para compositionRectangle top
- 					extent: 0 @ textStyle lineGrid].
- 	"find the line"
- 	lineIndex := para lineIndexOfTop: characterPoint y.
- 	destY := para topAtLineIndex: lineIndex.
- 	line := para lines at: lineIndex.
- 	lastIndex := line first.
- 	rightMargin := para rightMarginForDisplay.
- 	self setStopConditions.  " also loads the font, alignment and all emphasis attributes "
- 	(lineIndex = para numberOfLines and:
- 		[(destY + line lineHeight) < characterPoint y])
- 			ifTrue:	["if beyond lastLine, force search to last character"
- 					self characterPointSetX: rightMargin]
- 			ifFalse:	[characterPoint y < (para compositionRectangle) top
- 						ifTrue: ["force search to first line"
- 								characterPoint := (para compositionRectangle) topLeft].
- 					characterPoint x > rightMargin
- 						ifTrue:	[self characterPointSetX: rightMargin]].
- 	destX := leftMargin := para leftMarginForDisplayForLine: lineIndex alignment: alignment.
- 	nextLeftMargin:= para leftMarginForDisplayForLine: lineIndex+1 alignment: alignment.
- 	runLength := text runLengthFor: line first.
- 	lineStop := characterIndex	"scanning for index"
- 		ifNil: [ line last ].			"scanning for point"
- 	runStopIndex := lastIndex + (runLength - 1) min: lineStop.
- 	lastCharacterWidth := 0.
- 	spaceCount := 0.
- 	self handleIndentation.
- 	[stopCondition := self scanCharactersFrom: lastIndex to: runStopIndex
- 			in: text string rightX: characterPoint x
- 			stopConditions: stopConditions kern: kern.
- 	"see setStopConditions for stopping conditions for character block operations."
- 	self perform: stopCondition] whileFalse.
- 	^characterIndex == nil
- 			ifTrue: ["characterBlockAtPoint"
- 					^ CharacterBlock new stringIndex: lastIndex text: text
- 						topLeft: characterPoint + (font descentKern @ 0)
- 						extent: lastCharacterWidth @ line lineHeight]
- 			ifFalse: ["characterBlockForIndex"
- 					^ CharacterBlock new stringIndex: lastIndex text: text
- 						topLeft: characterPoint + ((font descentKern) - kern @ 0)
- 						extent: lastCharacterWidth @ line lineHeight]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CharacterBlockScanner>>characterBlockAtPoint:in: (in category 'scanning') -----
- characterBlockAtPoint: aPoint in: aParagraph
- 	"Answer a CharacterBlock for character in aParagraph at point aPoint. It 
- 	is assumed that aPoint has been transformed into coordinates appropriate 
- 	to the text's destination form rectangle and the composition rectangle."
- 	self initializeFromParagraph: aParagraph clippedBy: aParagraph clippingRectangle.
- 	characterPoint := aPoint.
- 	^self buildCharacterBlockIn: aParagraph!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CharacterBlockScanner>>characterBlockForIndex:in: (in category 'scanning') -----
- characterBlockForIndex: targetIndex in: aParagraph 
- 	"Answer a CharacterBlock for character in aParagraph at targetIndex. The 
- 	coordinates in the CharacterBlock will be appropriate to the intersection 
- 	of the destination form rectangle and the composition rectangle."
- 	self 
- 		initializeFromParagraph: aParagraph 
- 		clippedBy: aParagraph clippingRectangle.
- 	characterIndex := targetIndex.
- 	characterPoint := 
- 		aParagraph rightMarginForDisplay @ 
- 			(aParagraph topAtLineIndex: 
- 				(aParagraph lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: characterIndex)).
- 	^self buildCharacterBlockIn: aParagraph!

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