[Squeak-fr] Invitation to a seminar by Ralph Johnson in Luxembourg, on July 3rd, 4 pm

Reza Razavi razavi at acm.org
Jeu 15 Juin 18:23:41 UTC 2006

Title: Adaptive Object Models

Summary: "Adaptive Object Model" is an architectural style that is at 
the heart of some extremely effective business systems. But other 
projects that use this style have not been successful. This talk will 
explain the Adaptive Object Model style, give several case studies, 
and explain what makes it so successful and what makes it hard for 
some groups to use.

Speaker: Ralph Johnson is one of the four authors of "Design 
Patterns" and has been studying object-oriented programming since 
1985. He wrote the first papers on refactoring, wrote early  papers 
on frameworks, and is currently working on the Photran project for 
refactoring Fortran and the CRefactory project for refactoring C. He 
is Research Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science 
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

- http://www.adaptiveobjectmodel.com/WICSA3/ArchitectureOfAOMsWICSA3.pdf
- http://www-poleia.lip6.fr/~razavi/aom/
- http://ambiance.uni.lu/

Time: July 3rd, 2006, at 4 pm
Location: Faculty of Sciences, Technology and Communication (FSTC), 
University of Luxembourg, 6, rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, L-1359 
Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Room B02.
More information: reza.razavi at uni.lu
Confirmation appreciated: For organization reasons, we would greatly 
appreciate if you could confirm your participation. 
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