[Squeakfoundation] On with the show

Dan Ingalls squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Mon, 7 Jan 2002 22:09:13 -0800

cg@cdegroot.com (Cees de Groot) wrote...

>Dan@SqueakLand.org said:
>> True to my message of May, I hereby appoint myself as interim
>> Executive Director and chairman of the Committee on Evolution of
>> Squeak, acting until, say, June 1.
>Hurray! Gotta love these variants on the concept of democracy ;-).

Democracy has its good and bad points.  Rapid process is seldom given as one of its strengths.

>So far no criticisms - let's get stuff rolling. I'd appreciate it, though, if
>y'all would (re-)read the stuff on the Swiki on the chaordic process and maybe
>a bit of the ramblings in the mailing list archives from last summer
>(May/June, IIRC). Even though the formation process was stopped by the SqC
>events back then, I think there is a lot of useful context in there.

I agree.

I hope it's clear that all I'm trying to do is decouple the time for a jump-start from the time needed for due process, chaordic or not.  I know it isn't democratic, but think of it as XP -- we get to test during development ;-).

As for my self-declared term of 5 months, if there's consensus on a better structure or different bindings before June 1, I'll be happy to go with it.

	- Dan