[Squeakfoundation] On with the show

Cees de Groot squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Mon, 07 Jan 2002 21:30:00 +0100

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Dan@SqueakLand.org said:
> True to my message of May, I hereby appoint myself as interim
> Executive Director and chairman of the Committee on Evolution of
> Squeak, acting until, say, June 1. 

Hurray! Gotta love these variants on the concept of democracy ;-). 

So far no criticisms - let's get stuff rolling. I'd appreciate it, though, if 
y'all would (re-)read the stuff on the Swiki on the chaordic process and maybe 
a bit of the ramblings in the mailing list archives from last summer 
(May/June, IIRC). Even though the formation process was stopped by the SqC 
events back then, I think there is a lot of useful context in there.

Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>
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