[Squeakfoundation]Re: SqueakFoundation; get off your butts you lot!

Bijan Parsia squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 10:47:50 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Luciano Notarfrancesco wrote:

> There's a number of projects that I'd like to see done, so I'm willing 
> to help with them if there's any interest (from SqC and SqF) in having 
> them done:
> o. Replacing the current Streams with Craig's
> o. Including Flow (especially NetStream and the ExternalResource hierarchy)

Me to. Good to port all existing network apps, too (which isn't nearly as
it sounds). I'd help with that.

I'd even work on completely updating the Squeak networking chapter to
fully document it (and cutting out the older stuff), so there'd be
comprehensive documentation from the get go.

> o. Simplifying the parse tree nodes (factoring the bytecode generation 
> code out of them, for instance)

Or moving to the RB parser, whatever. I'm *very* into that and would
happily work on a gelled, official, we really mean it, version of
that. Specifically, I'll happily do the work to get all the prettyprinting
browse modes working with the new stuff (and to clean it up a
bit). (Moving to StreamWrappers would be nice, too.)

These seem like tangible, feasible projects to test organization an
procedures. Even better if they demoed modules (since they're both core,
but not *only* core, bits of functionailty).

It reminds me of the Squeak Projects page on the Swiki. A lot of good came
out of it, but somethings withered and enthusism sorta died. Perhaps
something like that again? As a start?

(cough, blockclosures, cough :))

Bijan Parsia.