[Squeakfoundation]sqf-formation list

Les Tyrrell squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 12:53:08 -0800

Two comments:

1 ) I just joined this list.  I just did that because I thought that I had
joined it earlier, but was apparently mistaken.  Now you want to create
another list?  I'm not sure how many Squeak-related lists I'm on *now*- I
think its two, but maybe I'm wrong about that.  Still, I could see some
benefit to that for those of you who will be actively making this thing work.
"Just Do It" is oddly enough not a particularly appropriate slogan for many of
us, no matter how well-intentioned.

2 ) Many of your e-mails ( Cees, that is ) are showing up in my client as
attached text files... the only way for me to see them is to go through a lot
of extra steps just to read them, and then in situations like this when I
reply I don't have the benefit of having your text automatically included.
The bottom line- I am much less inclined to read your e-mails, because I have
to do a lot more jiggling of buttons to do so. I promise to blow away any
non-essential content in my replies- gratuitous copying is something I don't
care for either.

Anyway, good luck with all of this.  I'll be glad to assist, but can only
promise very limited support at this time.

- les